Lessons from The Other Woman

I first met Dana L. Perry in December 2012, and since then we’ve developed a friendship.

Receiving her book titled “The Other Woman- Lessons Learned” in the post, I was keen to discover what “a strange woman” who had an affair with a married man had to say for herself.

But after thumbing through her delicious read, I realised the scenario of most extramarital affairs actually involves Satan who throws the dice of temptation, the interplay of the spirits of  lust and seduction, and  the breeding grounds in the characters involved, strengthens the plot. (more…)

Igniting The Power of Your Creative Mind

“Until individuals renew and change their minds on negative experiences that limit them, their future is not going to be maximized.”

Ferdinard Lawson, in his book “Igniting the power of your creative mind” teaches readers how to influence positive behaviour by discovering their full potential and renewing their mind with God’s word.

Described as a dynamic Christian who enjoys serving  God, Ferdinard ‘s thought provoking book  touches on four major areas which are the power of self discovery,  the power of using your talents and gifts to produce your desired future, how to avoid dream killers limiting your destiny and rising above limits.

What we like about the book

From the book, you can discover how to create something spectacular the world has not yet seen through the power of the creative mind. Referring to Romans 12:2 which says, “Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind”, the author explains that the power of transformation “lies in assuming an outward expression that comes from the inward being. And such a change can only take place in our minds.”

Becoming a person of purpose

A person of purpose according to the author is “one whose mind is made up, has a focus and refuses to be distracted.” One of the major challenges of purpose however, is the ability to avoid dream and vision killers. Citing Elijah, Hannah, Naomi, Mary and Martha, Peter as well as Jesus Christ as examples of those who successfully triumphed over distractions and avoided dream and vision killers, the author brings out relevant lessons to be learned from their unique situations which aspiring people of purpose can learn from.

Why you shouldn’t give up on yourself

Limitations are some of the things that can hinder a creative mind from being ignited.  The author defines a limitation as “anything or anyone that prevents free movement, and they can occur due to our individual perspectives about life’s circumstances.” Irrespective of limitations, the author believes that just like Jabez in 1 Chronicles 4:9-11 who was born with limitations to his destiny, “as we grow and mature in life, it is our responsibility to change the very things we dislike or are uncomfortable with.”

Igniting words from the book

#1 The secret of your future lies in igniting your creative mind.

#2 When your mind is ignited and directed, is working towards a specific goal and you are armed with God’s word, your future is guaranteed.

#3 The future is created by chasing your purpose in life and not relying on your pension.

#4 There is power in your creative mind to create your desired future but only if you ignite it.

#5 Ignite, set on fire, light up, activate, arouse and excite the Godly passion in you.

Ferdinard Lawson’s final advice which says, “Until you discover yourself, renew your mind, use your God given talent to add value to your generation, you have not lived to the glory and purpose of God” is a challenge for all who aspire to be great.

Order a copy by contacting the author ferdinardl@hotmail.com